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Do you have a skill to teach, a service to provide or words to inspire women from all walks of life?


Join a team of dedicated women facilitators in the journey to guide and inspire women through healing, self discovery and personal development.


The Wild Women Grow Festival 2023 is just around the corner!


In fact....


We have a date!!


This festival was so well received and ladies are buzzing with excitement for the next one.

Offer your service or skills to help create a legendary event designed to bring us together, raise us up and send us dancing and singing our truest selves into the future.


Now booking Facilitators and Entertainment for the



Wild Women Grow


August 5th & 6th


At The Cameron Lake Outdoor Ed Center

Hudson's Hope, BC.



As part of an exclusive community of like-minded women, together we can create a sacred collaboration of resources specifically designed for our divine feminine spirits. 

No matter what phase of life you are in, our growing community of empowering women is just for you. Together we guide, support and equip women to be their truest selves, motivated to dive into

the life they truly dream of!


We're looking for facilitators who can offer workshops and services such as:


Feminine Empowerment

Movement and Breathwork

Music and Arts 

Energy Healing

Soul Work


Birth Support

Clairvoyance and Oracle Work



Join the team of powerful and inspiring women.

Fill out the Questionaire below to share how you would be interested in contributing.

With your submission we will reach out to include you in the planning of festival and other opportunities where your service or skills can shine.



Bring the Magic

What type of facilitation are you offering?
Thanks for submitting!
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